A  study on cancer incidence in Nepal from 2003 -2010 — ASN Events

A  study on cancer incidence in Nepal from 2003 -2010 (#431)

Kishore Preadhananga 1
  1. BPKM National Cancer Hospital, Chitwan, Nepal

Background This study gives overview to reliable information of the cancer incidence in Nepal for a 8 yrs period from 2003-2010. It helps to make some prevention and control plan and policies to the clinicians, policies makers to give priorities for the cancer prevention and control activities.

Methods- This was descriptive type of study and all cases were collected form medical record section of seven collaborative hospitals for data analysis. A breakdown of the incidence by year, age and gender has been analysed. Age standard incidence of common cancers and age specific rate has been tabulated. 

Results- The total 41,713 cases were included in this study to know the burden of cancer patients in 7 major hospitals of Nepal where cancer diagnosed and treated from 2003-2010.In this study Female (53.3%) cases were diagnosed more than males  (46.7%).  Overall, the most common cancer sites in Males were lung , stomach and leukemia but in Females Caner of cervix uteri , breast and lung . More cancer cases (67.7%) seen in Female but in Males found 52.5%  in  the broad age group 35 to 64 yrs . In young age leukemia and lymphoma were more common replaced by lung, oral and stomach cancer in middle age but in older lung, stomach and larynx cancer were found in males but in females breast cancer in young, cervix uteri cancer in middle and followed by lung cancer in older age.

Conclusions- This type of study is the first time in Nepal to know the burden across a greater proportion of cancer from 7 major hospitals where cancer is diagnosed and treated, but the coverage may not represent the whole country. 

Keywords- incidence, cancer registry, burden of cancer, prevention and control policies