Clinical assessment of cancer-related fatigue: current practice vs. clinical guidelines — ASN Events

Clinical assessment of cancer-related fatigue: current practice vs. clinical guidelines (#322)

Elizabeth JM Pearson 1 2 , Carol McKinstry 2
  1. La Trobe University, Melbourne
  2. La Trobe University, Bendigo

Introduction: Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is a common and distressing problem. Guidelines for assessment and management of CRF are available; however limited research investigating clinical application of these guidelines was identified.

Objectives: To describe how Australian health professionals assess CRF and to compare this to current international guidelines.

Methods: An on-line survey of Australian health professionals working in oncology gathered information about CRF assessment in clinical practice.

Results:  The 129 respondents included 92 allied health practitioners: 73% worked in metropolitan areas and 40% in acute hospital settings. Three quarters of participants worked daily in oncology, most indicating moderate knowledge and expertise. There was a wide variation in how services manage people referred with CRF. Barriers to service delivery were identified and compared to current published guidelines.

Conclusion: Few standardized assessment tools and variable consistency in service delivery across surveyed health professionals compromised rehabilitation for people with CRF.