Lisa Mackenzie
Calvary Mater Newcastle ; HNELHD ; HMRI, NSW, Australia
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- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Lisa Mackenzie, BPsych(Hons I) is undertaking a PhD in Behavioural Science at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Her PhD research focuses on quality of cancer care and patient centred care, including patient perceptions of their psychological distress and life expectancy disclosure preferences. Lisa is a postgraduate recipient of a 2011 Prime Minister's Australia Asia Endeavour Award. As part of her award, Lisa has recently completed a research project at Kyoto University Hospital between October 2011 and September 2012. This research has focused on the differences between Australian and Japanese cancer patient’s perceptions of psychological disturbance, preferences for psychosocial treatments and preferences for life expectancy disclosure.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Cancer patients’ preferences for involvement in research and consumer activities: A cross-sectional survey (#68)
5:00 PM
Lisa J Mackenzie
Best of the Best Orals - Health services